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Today’s leaders in education understand how to awaken a passion for learning in their students. They build bridges between policy, student needs, and teaching strategies to provide holistic instruction that supports students’ growth and development to help them thrive in the modern world.

康考迪亚大学欧文分校的M.A. 在教育领导装备教育工作者与当代 understanding of complex social, cultural, and policy issues and best practices to build school 与现实世界接触的项目. 这个完全在线的硕士课程和它的 transformational specializations are a result of the combined efforts of Concordia’s renowned School of Education and our Servant Leadership Institute.

The desire to train and empower more leaders in education inspired Concordia to create a cutting-edge 为所有教育专业人士做出真正改变的项目. 为满足…的需要而设计的 today, this graduate program delivers relevant curriculum based on the latest research and best 现代教育实践. 研究生有两个专业领域可供选择 within the M.A. 教育领导学位: SEL,性格和道德专业 or 认知、动机和发展专业化

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30 Total Units
$685 Cost Per Unit
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Servant Leadership

仆人式领导是这个研究生项目的核心. 我们正在建立一群忠诚的仆人式领导者,他们体现了谦逊, compassion, wisdom, honesty, 还有建立关系的勇气, create a vision, communicate, 并在他们的学校和社区中激励优秀人才.

The 仆人式领导学院 is a key partner in the design and delivery of this transformational 教育领导 program.



有两个专业可供选择, you will have the opportunity to learn the practices of social emotional learning (SEL) or the skills of fostering motivation and development. In our SEL,性格和道德专业, you can learn strategies for creating healthy, inclusive classrooms where all students can thrive. In our 认知、动机和发展专业化, you can draw from the tenets of educational psychology and learn a whole-child approach to supporting students physically, academically, behaviorally, and emotionally.



Concordia's Master of Arts 教育领导 program was built to meet the needs of a wide range of school personnel, 其中包括以下内容及更多内容:

  • Classroom teachers
  • Curriculum coaches
  • 主题专家
  • Administrators
  • School counselors
  • District employees

The goal is to help school personnel develop integrative strategies beneficial inside the classroom and school-wide. 无论你现在的职位是什么,这个学位都可以成为你的升职助推器!



教育工作者接受终身学习的优点. 来支持对知识的不断追求, 我们的教育领导课程有两个不同的层次.

你可以获得教育领导硕士学位,重点是 自我,性格和道德, or 认知、动机和发展 (30个单元),或者你可以只完成你选择的重点,并获得一个 研究生教育证书, or  认知、动机与发展研究生证书 (15 units). Both paths offer the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to promote long-term change and build positive school environments with support systems to reach the whole child.


Concordia University has a strong faculty of experienced Christian educators who are faithful to the university’s mission to “empower students. . . 为了学习,服务和领导的生活.” Our students benefit from educators who embrace the tenets of servant leadership and treat students with respect while pushing them to reach their full potential.

Dr. Kent Schlichtemeier

Dr. Kent Schlichtemeier

Professor & 服务型领导学院院长

Dr. Kent Schlichtemeier started his teaching career in 1978 and transitioned from secondary to collegiate education in 1988. Dr. Schlichtemeier served as a professor in the School of Education 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 from 1988-2003 where he mentored future teachers while also completing his doctorate 教育领导 at UCLA in 1996. Dr. Schlichtemeier served as a teacher and Assistant Principal at Orange Lutheran High School from 2003-2007 before returning to teach at Concordia, 担任教育学院院长, 并创立了仆人式领导学院.

Lori Doyle

Dr. Lori Doyle


Dr. Lori Doyle works as Associate Professor of Education 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 where she serves as Director of the Master of Arts 教育领导 program and Assistant Director of the 仆人式领导学院. She has completed and managed extensive curriculum development projects at the university and serves as Subject Matter Expert for courses in multiple MA programs. Working as an instructor also keeps her mindful of relevant and changing trends in education. 在过去的22年里,洛里在几所大学任教, but her career began as a high school English and theology teacher and curriculum writer. 她持有加州中学教育证书, 课程与教学硕士, 以及心理学博士学位,重点是认知学. 她的研究兴趣是成人教育, Biblical contexts, leadership, curriculum, 社会情绪学习, 以及教职工的心理健康.

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康考迪亚大学教育研究生院提供四种研究生证书, 五个特色鲜明的硕士学位, 以及教育学博士学位(EdD). 班级规模小,注重批判性的发展, independent thinking, 由经验丰富的基督教教师授课. Concordia’s School of Education enjoys an excellent reputation in the academic community as thousands of graduates lead in schools throughout the region. 学生获得有针对性的知识和熟练的技能来连接, care, collaborate, 并发挥他们在教育中的独特作用. 我们的目标是让学生有能力追求机会并促进他们的职业发展.

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